Our values
We are smart about everything. Research, planning, immersion in every detail. We are driven by the desire to do perfect, so accuracy is our key tool. For us, there are no unimportant things, in everything we achieve for maximum accuracy.
We started from scratch. We want to create national and international leaders. We are constantly learning new things, improving the quality of our expertise. We are driven by the desire to constantly to progress always make business and products better and better.
We sincerely love what we do. We are happy. Sweets are an opportunity to give happiness at every moment. That is why we work to give our happiness to others.
About us
About us
Most manufacturers promise uniqueness, pleasure, variety, but few of them talks about simplicity. Simple sweets are the simple moments of happiness and joy. The moments with our loved ones. But visible simplicity is a long and complex process of selection the right ingredients, shapes, and flavors. It hides the search for the ideal. We make the fair confectionery, developing our products. And we do this with the main goal of reducing the distance between our brands and consumers. Yes, these are sophisticated products, but we want to make them clear, simple, and close. To bring you joy.
Wellar Group
Perfect. With no exceptions

Unique products


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Position Engineer-electrician
Employment type Full time
Gender Male
Age 22 - 55 years
Region Yerevan
Job Description:
- repair, installation, replacement of electrical equipment parts and nodes, if necessary, their disassembly and performance testing
- Implementation of periodic technical maintenance works
- Ensuring the necessary electrical supply for the work of production machines, assembly lines, electrical supply control
- Installation of new equipment, implementation of electrical connections
- Ensuring safe operation of electric wires and devices
- Support to other employees of technical service department
- Performance of other assignments based on production requirements.
- Higher technical or secondary professional education
- At least 3 years of electrical experience
- Ability to read and make electrical drawings and schematics
- Responsibility
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Procurement specialist
Wellar Group is hiring a procurement specialist
Role Description
- Constantly study the foreign market according to the quality and price standards of the company
- Control the complete process of supply and purchase of goods needed by the company
- Attract and negotiate with new suppliers and rate offers
- Analyze the best price and product offers from different companies
- Collaborate with different departments of the organization to ensure information flows and work together
- Knowledge of MS Office programs
- Excellent knowledge of Armenian,Russian and English
- Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, written and verbal communication skills
- Analytical thinking, data collection skills
Interested candidates please send your cv to hr@wellargroup.com
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«ՎԵԼԼԱՐ ԳՐՈՒՊ»-ը փնտրում է հաշվապահի
Աշխատանքային պարտականություններ
- Տվյալների մուտքագրում
- Հաշվապահական հաշվառման վարում
- Հաշվետվությունների ներկայացում
- Թաստաթղթաշրջանառության վարում
- Անմիջական ղեկավարի կողմից հանձնարարված առաջադրանքների կատարում
Անհրաժեշտ հմտություններ
- Կրթություն - Բակալավրի աստիճան հաշվապահության, ֆինանսների կամ հարակից ոլորտում:
- Փորձ - 1-3 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձ հաշվապահության կամ հարակից ոլորտում:
- Տեխնիկական հմտություններ - Հաշվապահական ծրագրերի ( ՀԾ) և MS Office փաթեթի իմացություն:
- Լեզու - Հայերեն, ռուսերեն և անգլերեն լեզուների իմացություն:
- Անձնական հատկություններ - Ուժեղ վերլուծական հմտություններ, գերազանց ուշադրություն դետալներին, կազմակերպչական գերազանց ունակություններ:
Բոլոր հետաքրքրված անձիք կարող են ինքնակենսագրականները ուղարկել hr@wellargroup.com հասցեին
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The Ambassador of Czech Republic visited "Wellar group" LLC
A chocolate factory is being established in South Yerevan, which will produce 200 tons of chocolate a day! 😵 💫 Equipped with the most modern European equipment. 🇪🇺 With a wide range of products from chocolate candies to protein bars. Production line for 🍬 and Mr. chocolate factory director see ⬇️.
And how does it have to do with the Czech Republic? 🇨🇿 This is a project of an investment company that is establishing its branch in Prague🤞And Europe will be the main market where chocolate products will go. So we have something to look forward to 😋
Wellar Group
Source: The Ambassador of Czech Republic: Petr Pitrunchik

Swedish capital invested in Armenia will boost exports
The Ambassador of Sweden, Patrick Svensson, visited the newly constructed confectionery factory of "Wellar group" LLC.
It´s always a pleasure to meet with the representatives of the Swedish businesses in Armenia and hear about their activities. The visit aimed to strengthen business links between Sweden and Armenia, provide avenue for discussions on their achievements and challenges, as well as serve as a government to private bridge.
source: Embassy of Sweden

Minister Vahan Kerobyan visited the newly constructed confectionery factory of "Wellar group" LLC
On August 17, Minister Vahan Kerobyan visited the newly constructed confectionery factory of "Wellar group" LLC.
Accompanied by the production director of the factory, Sergo Iritsyan, the minister toured the factory, which is equipped with new generation equipment and production lines imported from leading European companies. The first phase of the factory is planned to be put into operation in the near future.
Up to 1500 new jobs will be created. a number of highly qualified specialists are already involved in the current works. The factory will also have its own research laboratories.
The minister welcomed the beginning of such a large-scale activity and presented the state support programs that can be useful for the further expansion of the company.
source: RA Ministry of Economy